Strabismus Treatment
Dr. Sam Cohlmia, M.D. is a Wichita ophthalmologist & eye surgeon specializing in the treatment of strabismus, crossed eyes, and lazy eyes.
What Is Strabismus?
Many children are often born with their eyes deviating inwards (esotropia) or outwards (exotropia). Some of these deviations are congenital, while others are acquired during the first few years in age. Once the child exhibits a lazy eye, he/she needs to be examined in order to rule out serious eye diseases as the cause.
Treatment For Strabismus
The treatment for crossed and lazy eyes is not only to realign the eyes so that binocular vision is possible, but also to treat the underlying cause, whether it be a large refractive error (by prescription glasses), a cataract or hemorrhage, or a more serious disorder of the eye (retinoblastoma tumor, for instance). It is never too early to have a child’s eyes examined, nor is it too early to fit them in glasses, if indeed needed.
Wichita Strabismus Surgery
Correcting strabismus surgically involves loosening, tightening, or transpositioning the occular muscles to correct eye alignment. Weakening (recession) procedures include myectomy, myotomy, tenectomy, and/or tenotomy. Strengthening (resection) procedures involve moving the eye muscles to a more forward position.
Strabismus surgery is a one day procedure and only requires a few hours in the hospital. Patients can expect soreness and redness around the eye and will need to keep their eye covered during recovery.